Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lecture 2B (2025-02-11): Genetic Programming, Immunocomputing, and Artificial Immune Systems

In this lecture, we introduce Genetic Programming as an alternative to Evolutionary Programming that also is able to leverage the power of crossover (and thus the full Genetic Algorithm) when evolving executable structures, such as program code or decision trees. We start with a discussion of Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) on register-based languages (like assembly language) that can be represented as simple sequences of instructions. We then pivot to discuss tree-based Genetic Programming (GP) that operate on Abstract Syntax Tree (ASTs) representations of more traditional programming code (e.g., Python, C++, etc.). We discuss how crossover is implemented in these AST, and we identify several applications such as genprog which uses GP to do automated software repair and optimization. This sets us up to introduce immunocomputing in the next lecture (which we were unable to get to due to time constraints today) which will show how genetical methods from the immune system can be used to generate and maintain useful diversity for applications such as cyber-security and general anomaly detection.

Whiteboard notes for this lecture are available at:

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